Runtime Revolution
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Articles News and Offers

Introducing Galaxy Scripts

by Jerry Daniels

Galaxy is the exciting new alternative to the conventional Revolution IDE. In this article Jerry Daniels, co-author of Galaxy, talks about how Galaxy's tabbed script editor works.

Building CGIs with Revolution - Part 4

by Jacqueline Landman-Gay

Jacque Gay, Senior Developer at HyperActive Software, returns to the Revolution Newsletter with a continuation on her series on using Runtime Revolution as a CGI system. In this article, she explains how to use stacks in CGIs

New on RevDeveloper
by Lynn Fredricks

New Japanese documentation for Revolution and more. Lynn takes us through some of the new developments that are happening on

Marketing your Software: Before you Code

by Lynn Fredricks

Marketing your software, even if it's non-commercial isn't an optional extra. Learn how to understand who your customers are and how their goals fit with your aspirations.


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