Runtime Revolution
Articles News and Offers

An Invitation: Get Involved in Usergroups

by Guy Jones

Get more involved with the Revolution Community, with Revolutionary meetings, local usergroups and Revolution co-sponsored events. Guy Jones invites you to meet in Bath and Edinburgh in February 2007.

Revolution in Gaming: Drops

by Malte Brill

RevSelect Partner Malte Brill talks about creating his latest, highly addictive game: Drops. Read how he designed and planned the project, involving the community to get feedback and try Drops for yourself.


Sprite Animation: Part 1 - Collision Detection

by John Craig

Runtime welcomes developer John Craig as our newest contributor to the Runtime Revolution newsletter. Mr Craig introduces you to native Revolution code for managing collision detection, an essential element in game design.

From The BETT Education Show

by Heather Nagey

Back from her holidays, Heather Nagey discusses her impersonation of a walrus and muses on current trends in education.


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