Webcasting from San Diego
Webcasting from San Diego

For the lucky LiveCoders who are making the trip to San Diego, preparations are far advanced, suitcases if not packed are at least dragged down from the loft and dusted off, passports checked, visa waivers obtained and travel insurance purchased. But what about all you stayathomes? We're keen to share this event with as many of you as possible, so we record the whole thing, and stream it live to your computer.


Neil RogerThis year responsibility for the Simulcast has fallen on the capable shoulders of Neil Roger, and he will be handling the cameras and ensuring it all goes without a hitch. Since he has not yet perfected his technique of being in two places at once, he will be aided in the second track by Elanor Buchanan, and we'll have an extra body on hand in both tracks to take your questions from the Simulcast live chat and put them to the speakers for you. So be sure to tune in and ask lots of questions! We love to see everyone get involved.


Neil is an experienced cameraman who has participated in filming our previous conferences, but this is the first year he has been the lead, and he is taking it very seriously. A few days ago around 70 items arrived in the post - cables, connectors, strange paraphernalia, all essential he assures us to the smooth running of operations. I am very glad none of it is going in my suitcase, I do hope he has allowed an extra couple of hours to get it all through customs!


We've got an exciting schedule ahead. I'm particularly looking forward to the Community Showcase, on Thursday at 11.30. Half a dozen LiveCoders will be stepping up to share with you what they use LiveCode for - you'll have to watch it to find out exactly what that is!


Other interesting sessions I'll be watching out for include "Flying Metrics" from Robert Cailliau - I hear a whisper that he may have an announcement to make during this presentation. Scott Rossi has two sessions which are bound to be beautiful, Scott is well known to be the Graphics King. We've several brand new speakers this year, Alex Bux will be talking about "Teaching the Great Minds of the Future" and Skip Kimpel will be showing us how LiveCode can lead to promotion. The Best Practice track is chock full of experience and top notch LiveCoders, while all day on day 1 Devin Asay will be taking beginners through their first app. You can join him remotely and make an ebook all day long.


For the first time this year we will also be recording and streaming the Friday morning session, where Kevin and Mark will share the state of LiveCode technology, giving you an inside look at where we have been, where we are at, and where we expect to be going next. This is always interesting, and we will do our best to ensure that Mark speaks slowly enough for you to understand!


I will be taking a camera with me this year, and taking lots of pictures so watch this space. I'll try and capture some of the best moments to bring you right here in revUp.


If you've not signed up for the Simulcast yet, the best way to get it is via your LiveCode Membership. Alternatively you can buy it as a one off (no subscription) here.


About The Author
Heather Laine
Heather is Customer Services Manager for LiveCode
Read Heathers Blog
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