I'm in a privileged position here in customer support. People send me things. If they are interesting and exciting I bookmark them to bring to revUp readers, and this week I've got several cool LiveCode things for you.
Some time back, on 1st July, Luiz Astorquiza sent me this image from Campus Party Colombia:
He was presenting a session on LiveCode, which went well.
Recently, I joined an interesting project which uses LiveCode to develop some Apps. In the project one member is responsible for designing the UI and the other one is in charge of coding. UI design and coding were done at the same time. It is very awkward either that the coder set the UI properties or the coder wait UI designer to set UI properties.
So we developed a plugin to separate two kinds of job.
We can set the properties in text file, such as:
.oldc { -lc-foreground-color : YELLOW ; -lc-background-color : green ; /* sss--;; */
#demoGroup {
-lc-background-color: AliceBlue;
-lc-foreground-color: pink;
#demoImage { -lc-filename : "./Image/Brazil.png"; -lc-angle:60; }
.glowMe:mouseEnter {
.glowMe:mouseLeave {
-lc-outer-glow: empty;
The demo screen snapshots:
(1) We can choose “ThemeA” :
(2) or switch to “ThemeB” :
(3) We can also combine “ThemeA,ThemeB” orderly or “ThemeB,ThemeA”.
The plugin is still in development.
You can follow Marken's blog here.
If you follow the use-list for LiveCode, you cannot fail to have heard of a certain Richmond Mathewson, frequently based in Bulgaria. He's known for his longstanding, often witty, contributions to the Livecode discussion groups. Recently I came across this little contribution from him which I'm sure he will not mind me sharing here.
The point was to create a "sparks" effect when an object is moved or dropped into place, and if you download the file here and drag the dog at the bottom into the dog in the main image, you will see a visual effect (try both right and lefthand dogs). The code to make it work is in the "NewDog" group, and this is it:
on mouseDown
grab me
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if the mouseloc is within "132,191,272,331" then
set the loc of group "newDog" to 202,261
set the repeatCount of img "wx.gif" to 0
put 0 into KOUNTER
repeat until KOUNTER > 4
put 0 into sFrame
repeat until sFrame = 23
add 1 to sFrame
set the currentFrame of image "wx.gif" to sFrame
wait 1 tick
end repeat
add 1 to KOUNTER
end repeat
set the moveSpeed to 2000
move group "newDog" to 500, 528
end if
end mouseUp
Last but not least, I'm delighted to say that this year RunRevLive.14 will have an official conference app! You will be able to keep track of the schedule, make notes, interact with other attendees and more, using this great little app courtesy of LiveCloud and Canela Software. Check it out here. Note that the app is still going through Apple's submission process so the iOS version is almost but not quite available yet, but the Android app is out there and working.