Hour of LiveCode
Your App Around the World
Hour of LiveCode

Last night we held our "Hour of Code" live online, taking you through some parts from the first lessons for the Create it with LiveCode course. We were delighted with the turnout, so many of you participated! In fact the webinar was oversubscribed, and due to the number of people who wanted to be there but couldn't make it, we're re-running it next Wednesday, at 5pm UK time (9am PST or check the sign up link for the time in your timezone). Sign up now and join us!


In the meantime, you can download the slides and work through the tutorial for yourself. Come along next Wednesday and watch us do it live, then ask all the questions you want to!


Your materials:



Messenger Hello World App - Slides - Click icon to view >>>


Blue Chat Bubble for Messenger App - Click icon to Download >>>

Calculator User Interface The Calculator App + Video on Final Slide - Click icon to view >>>

Calculator App - The Code - Click icon to Download >>>




We got some great feedback from the first webinar. Here are some of excellent questions you already asked, with answers.


So what is it going to cost?


It's $299 which includes both the commercial deployment license and the course.


Is that a limited special offer or can I get it next week when my credit card clears?


It is a limited offer, but it will still be available next week. You should aim to make the purchase before the course starts in January.


I am interested in your course, but missing really infos like dates, timing how much time should i expect to spend for preparation.


You can now see the complete schedule here. We recommend you set aside around an hour a day to work through the course materials.


If I choose to do more work and complete the weeks materials in two days, can I learn that way too?


Yes, you will get the week's set of slides and video at the start of each week, and you can complete them all on the first day if you wish.


Is there a place where we can see apps made using LiveCode?


Yes, visit our showcase here.


Is this course only for Mac/iOS or can I do it on a PC and build for Android?


The course is not only for iOS, you could equally well build all these apps for Android. All the code and principles you learn can be applied across the platforms LiveCode supports, which includes iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux and Server.


Can LiveCode be used to build an app like whatsapp or mobile dialer, eg implemetation of a mobile voip or instant messaging app with LiveCode that can handle millions of users?


For instant messaging - yes. For VOIP you'd need to wrap some sort of lower level library to do the heaving lifting. LC 8, shipping early next year has the ability to do that wrapping more easily.


Is LiveCode free?


There is a free and open source version for building open source apps, and a closed source version for creating closed source apps that costs from $299. Check out our downloads page here.


Will we also learn how to add "sound" to draw attention to a new message / a calendar entry?




Is it difficult to do "drag and drop" text and graphics with LiveCode? Do mobile devices require separate code from desktop apps to do this?


The code can be similar for desktop and mobile, but you are likely to want a different UI for each platform. We'll show you how to do that.


Is there any particular naming convention for object names? So I am used to linking column names, variables etc with '_' as in 'new_message' - Is this allowed?


Yes you can do that. There is a naming convention, in brief, make them something memorable that is easy to refer to in code.


In a table when you change the name of a field will LiveCode change that name across the whole app?


it depends on exactly how it is set. If you set it directly, no, but we have a concept called behaviors that lets you set things that do update everything from one place.


I know that Livecode is a hybrid development tool and it seems incredible. If possible, could you speak to the limitations of Livecode vs developing directly in Swift or Java. Latency? Screen redraws? etc. I'm a longtime Filemaker developer with several vertical market solutions running on Filemaker Go. I'm looking to transition to developing directly for iOS with the ability to sell on the App Store. Livecode looks incredible and has parallels to Filemaker in terms of IDE. I am trying to determine what a super dynamic, data-heavy app might be like written in Livecode.


I'm glad you like what you see. LiveCode has been used for some truly heavyweight data applications - e.g. the whole of the University of Vienna is run on a LC built system! LiveCode is very powerful and deep. Unlike Swift it is multi-platform, unlike Java it is easy to use and offers live development. We use accelerated graphics (openGL) on mobile.


Is there offline content included with the Create with LiveCode course?


Yes - it includes all the course content, slides, code and rewindable videos.


Are there more advanced support services for more custom apps?


Yes - we have Pro and Premium licenses for really heavy support and major apps.


Are we going to be accessing the native data files from the OS? For example, iOS contacts and calendar data on the phone? Also, iCloud? I'm also wondering about the status of native controls. Thanks! Will it resize for the different screen sizes?


Yes, yes, yes, and we'll cover native controls and screen resizing later in the course!


Will Create it with LiveCode be a live session every day? How will you manage several timezones of the audience?


The course will be delivered as slides and video at the start of each week, which you can review and work through in your own time. We will hold a live webinar once a week, which will be recorded and made available to you if you can't be present at that time. There will also be a forum staffed by the course tutors where you can ask questions at any time.


Does LiveCode has the capacity to create a learning management system like moodle?




After I complete all the course, should I be able to obtain the skill to complete an e-learning course using LiveCode for web and mobile? One like this one that you are teaching now. It should have discussion forum, slides and video and some animation.




If I add a year to my Indy License can I have my 13 year old grandson take the class from his home?


Yes you can :) Please email support@livecode.com if you want to arrange something like this.


How do I do something I would do in an app, like access someone's location?


We cover that later in the course. Tthere is a whole section on it. (... use the message "locationChanged" then send in GPS coordinates)


Can people who have the license already attend the 20 week course?


Yes. Please contact support@livecode.com to discuss your options if you already have a license.


Are there any good introductory books dealing with how to use LiveCode?


Yes, you could try Colin Holgates book, LiveCode Mobile Development Beginner's Guide, available from Amazon or Packt. Also Ed Lavieri has published a book, LiveCode Mobile Development Hotshot.


Where can I sign up for the Create it with LiveCode course?




Don't forget, sign up for the live Webinar yourself, and join us next Wednesday, 17th December 2014.


About The Author
Todd Fabacher
Steven Crighton
Steven is Digital Marketing Manager for LiveCode
Read steven's Blog
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Hour of LiveCode

Last night we held our "Hour of Code" live online, taking you through the first lesson for the Create it with LiveCode course. We were delighted with the turnout, so many of you participated!


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Thank you for your time.


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