Seeking Eureka
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Seeking Eureka

We've been finding out about some of the people we're undertaking to help get into LiveCode, on our Create it with LiveCode course. Our job is to get you all to your Eureka moment, that moment when you realise, hey, yes, I can do this, I can write the app I want to create! I'll be following how well we do together on this journey, and a great place to start is by meeting you, the coders-to-be.


Wendy GlavinWendy Glavin

Tell us a little about yourself - I understand you work in PR and communications?

I grew up in Philadelphia, PA but now consider myself a true New Yorker after living here for more than twenty years. My career began at General Electric where I was a communications specialist in a tech world. Years later, I worked at an advertising and public relations firm. I worked with a variety of clients in economic development, food and again for a technology client, Du Pont.


After relocating to NYC with my husband, I began working for Burson-Marsteller, the world's largest PR firm promoting IBM's entry into the small business marketplace. After the birth of my first son, (now 23 years old!) I resigned and went on to have a second son (now 21 years old!)


What made you decide to leave working for the big corporations and offer small business consulting?
Our family had the incredible opportunity to live in the south of France for ten summers, every July, so I started my own business, importing jewelry from France to the US. It was great to have something to work on just for me while I was raising the boys.

Briefly, I worked at PBS Broadcasting and then had our third son, now 15 years old. A few years ago, I worked for a book publisher promoting authors with new websites, social media tools and media relations. I enjoyed keeping current and educating myself about the rapidly changing worlds of public relations and marketing. I worked with graphic designers and programmers and loved the collaboration of the two worlds.

My real love is being an entrepreneur, so I founded my own business, Wishes Incorporated, to make people's wishes come true. In my work with small businesses, I identified a need for optimization and growth with minimal resources.


When and where did you hear about LiveCode?
After meeting with Todd Fabacher who worked with me on a variety of clients' websites, I started hearing about LiveCode. Todd was excited about all its possibilities and shared his enthusiasm with my 15-year-old son who enjoys comp sci and coding. This got me thinking…

Since new apps and social media sites are regular discussions in my home, I began imagining an app that could solve my clients' problem—in particular, a guitar-school owner who is overwhelmed with paperwork and scheduling issues.


Have you any previous programming experience?
I have absolutely no programming experience so I started doing research and perusing the computer section in the bookstore. After seeing all the jargon, letters and numbers I was turned off. After learning more about LiveCode's language, which is in English with syntax-like sentences, I became interested.


What scares you most about creating your own app?
I am nervous about whether or not I can actually create a new and useful app which would be quite an accomplishment! My dad always taught me, "Build on what you have" so I am excited about getting back into technology.


What is the most exciting aspect of it?
It will be a huge shock to my technologically advanced teenagers which would make me ecstatic!


Al Nyce

Tell us a little about yourself - I'm not sure we've had a Rapper in our community yet :)
Well I was born in Brooklyn NY and I started rapping because of my pure passion for it and my ability to do it well. I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit so taking on new challenges is nothing new for me. I am a very creative person, and from what I can see there is little difference between the music business.


What made you think about creating an app?
I have had a few websites that I created in the past so it seemed only right that I take that next step and create an app. Mostly I want to create an interactive experience, and from what I have learned, they only way to do that effectively is to create an app. i find it interesting that eBooks are where the web was many years ago. But the formats have not evolved, so the answer is create an app,


Have you any previous programming experience?
I've done a little coding but nothing really serious because I have had no real formal training. Now that I work for Da Insider Magazine I use Apple Pages to help create the magazine layout, what I liked about LiveCode was that it seems like just a natural way to design the user interface of an app - like Pages.


When and where did you hear about LiveCode?
It was about a week ago that I found out about LiveCode. A good friend of mines gave me the inside scoop and what it could possibly do for me - I was sold.


What are you hoping to get out of the Create it with LiveCode course?
As a go to guy for Da Insider Magazine, I want to help take it to the next level. I was struggling with how to learn LiveCode and then I saw the "Create it with LiveCode" course. At first I thought the 5 months was too much for me, but I started thinking to myself how I could incorporate things like the accelerometer, databases and real time data on a web server into the magazine. Just looking at the outline is already starting to give me ideas. So yes, I am hoping to get creative ideas from the classes.


What scares you most about creating your own app?
On busy days I may not have time to spend an hour a day, but I should be able to catch up on slower days or weekends. Also, I guess the only real thing I can say my fear is how our readers are going to receive the new app. It is always difficult to be different and first - the same is true in the music business as well as the app business.


What is the most exciting aspect of it?
For me the most exciting aspect Is learning something new and being able to use it to help propel the publication. I'm also excited to see what new ideas I come up with. I was at the barber shop the other day and I started thinking how cool it would be if there was an app to see if he was busy, so I do not have to wait. Even better if I could book an appointment online. See that is what is exciting for me - LiveCode gives me a new tool to be creative...ha I guess that is why you called it "Create it with LiveCode".


Will you come back and tell us how you get on?
Absolutely, It would be my pleasure.

About The Author
Heather Laine
Heather Laine
Heather is Customer Services Manager for LiveCode.
Read heather's Blog
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