If you have been anywhere near our website in the last few days, you must have noticed a lot of orange banners urging you to get involved with the HTML5 funding campaign. This exciting initiative aims to bring Web deployment to LiveCode without the need for a plugin or anything the end user has to download.
HTML5 Campaign |
What does Web Deployment Mean to You? Will you use HTML5?
This Week's Deal
Help us bring HTML5 to LiveCode. Pledge Today! |
Introducing LiveCloud
Dead easy databases come to LiveCode with this fab backend
From Portobello
Get your hands on new learning LiveCode video tutorials
Write a Ka-Ching App
A polling app to monitor progress of our 30 day crowdfunding campaign
Keep your clients and end-users happy with professional, perfectly-formatted reports in Word and OpenOffice formats.
SQL Yoga
SQL Yoga allows you to treat your database like an object. Stop wrestling with SQL, see how easy database integration can be.
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