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Article 3: Speakers and Vision

More Conference Speakers Announced and Wanted

We have now confirmed 5 new speakers for the upcoming RunRevLive.14 conference:


Jacque Landman gayJacqueline Landman Gay

Jacque is a popular presenter with a long experience with LiveCode. We're delighted she will be sharing her expertise with us again!


Best Practice Track: Using the Debugger


This will be a session on using the script debugger and and a discussion of common debugging techniques. Jacque wil cover the main features of the debugger, including setting both regular and conditional breakpoints, stepping through and/or tracing scripts, the variable watcher and other embedded tools, and a few features not immediately obvious to many users. It will also address ways to resolve logical, syntactical, and compilation errors, using hands-on examples that attendees can use for practice and diagnosis during the session.


Best Practice Track: Handling Menus


Have you ever got your code in a twist over the best way to add menus to your app? There are many different kinds of menu, and they can behave differently across all the platforms LiveCode supports. This session will cover how to add them painlessly with all the behavior you want and expect to see.


Ken RayKen Ray


Best Practice Track: Layout Strategies for Destop and Mobile


Ken is the ideal choice for this session given his extensive experience on both desktop and mobile, especially given some of the unique challenges he has overcome with Interact Builder. He will discuss layouts that work and how to create them across LiveCode supported platforms.


Skip KimpelSkip Kimpel

Skip has been using LiveCode successfully for two years to streamline and improve daily operations at the various companies he has worked for. He has been a Presenter on Social Networking for Non Profits and Fundraising 2.0 at events nationwide and Featured Speaker at theK.I.T. Conference in San Diego on assistive technology and adaptive equipment.


Special Interest Track: Using LiveCode for lean daily operations

We all realize what a great tool it is but how can it improve your career and how can you impress your boss? The simplicity of LiveCode helps accomplish tasks in a matter of hours and not weeks of programming.
During this presentation, several key elements will be discussed:

1) Identifying repetitive work (in the workplace)
2) Breaking down the project
3) Identifying the right tools to compliment the project
4) Testing and deploying
5) Benchmarking success and value

Real world examples will be shown to display the simplicity of such tools and how they can shave time off of your daily task list and simplify life in the workplace. Skip will also demonstrate how complimentary products can be built to circumvent inabilities of existing corporate owned software by tapping into elements, such as SQL server, to produce the results you really need.
The value of LiveCode will become obvious to any senior management decision maker after demonstrating and applying a few principles. Saving time, money and resources is a guaranteed way to be noticed by your boss and will be valuable when it is time for your next promotion!


Todd FabacherTodd Fabacher


Special Interest Track: LiveCode in Armenia


This talk will focus on how LiveCode is being used to create a software development company in Armenia. How and what was done to create this business, what worked and what did not.


1. Creating a LiveCode training program to teach non-programers and non-English speakers.
2. Developing a pipeline of Apps from simple to complex.
3. Brand Building - both for the company and the Apps
4. Marketing the software and company. For example how to use content marketing.
5. App Development vs. Outsourcing Development. The different strategies, benefits, and profit for both development model.
6. Pitching Outsourcing Contracts - Tips and tricks with examples of how to get contracts.


David SimpsonDavid Simpson


Seminar: FileMaker 13 to LiveCode Conversion with FmPro Migrator Workshop

How to convert a FileMaker 13 database into a LiveCode 7 stack using a SQLite database. This configuration is suitable for building either a desktop or mobile app which stores its data locally.

The workshop starts with the process of importing the database objects into FmPro Migrator, moves on to the automated conversion to LiveCode, and then shows the post-conversion steps needed, including adding SQL Yoga to your stack, running the post-build script, and running the new LiveCode database stack.


It will also discuss manual conversion challenges involved with the process including: layout object states: (Normal, Hover, Pressed, In Focus), object blends, complex relationships, slider objects, popover button objects.

This workshop will concentrate on doing development on the desktop, in order to save time, and provide more time for questions.


Bring your own FileMaker database files, and we can discuss any challenges you might have experienced doing the conversion on your own.


Apply to Speak

We're still looking for speakers especially for the Best Practice tracks. Best practice is intended as a place to share the best, most efficient, most secure or niftiest ways to do certain things in LiveCode. If you have expertise on for example, using LiveCode Server, or integrating LiveCode with Social Media, this would be the place to share that expertise.


Best Practice suggested topics still looking for presenters:


  • Creating high performance applications (animation etc)
  • Creating multi-language applications
  • Structuring complex applications
  • Team development in LiveCode
  • Writing apps with a centralised cloud data service
  • Mobile App Development
  • Mobile/App Design
  • Database Access
  • Multimedia Integration
  • Developing for multiple resolution devices
  • Working with LiveCode Server
  • Social Network integration
  • Communicating with your users
  • Managing your application
  • Working with external media assets

If you would like to present one of these topics, or have another idea that you think fits into this track, please send us your 300 word application to speak before May 31st 2014. Please also include any relevant speaking experience you may have. You should send your application to


If you would like to talk about something else, it may fall into our "Special Interest" track. This is for anything LiveCode related but perhaps more niche - a specific way you use LiveCode or something more marketing or business oriented. Again, send us a 300 word submission and we'll be pleased to consider it.


All applications should be received by 31st May 2014.


Vision Mobile Survey

On another note, Vision Mobile are running another developer survey, if you'd like to feedback to them its the last day of the survey, get your feedback in today!


Take the new Developer Economics 10-minute survey and win cool prizes! VisionMobile has launched a new app developer survey and is looking into opportunities and challenges in the app market. The results of the survey will be available as a free research report in July, while respondents can win great prizes, including an iPhone 5s, a Galaxy S5, a Sphero, a Lego Mindstorm robot, a Raspberry Pi Ultimate Starter Ki, a Das Keyboard - and more!


What's your take on the latest trends in app development? Which platform(s) should a developer choose to make money in today's competitive market? Which is the right revenue model for your apps? Are you using any dev tools? Take the developer survey and have your say on the top app developer issues - contribute to the research and find out how your opinion stacks against other developers'.

Heather Laine

About The Author


Heather Laine is Customer Services Manager for RunRev Ltd.

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